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Valley Wines

Valley Wines is a ferment on premise store in downtown Deep River, Ontario. We allow you to produce your own delicious wine for a fraction of the cost of what you would pay at the LCBO.
Valley Wines is a ferment on premise store in downtown Deep River, Ontario. We allow you to produce your own delicious wine for a fraction of the cost of what you would pay at the LCBO.

Company Profile

Valley Wines is a ferment on premise store in downtown Deep River, Ontario. We allow you to produce your own delicious wine for a fraction of the cost of what you would pay at the LCBO.

The first step is choosing your wine. We’ll help you select the best variety for your needs, and explain the process. We will also mix the kit for you during your first visit. All you have to do is add the yeast!

Once your wine is underway, we’ll look after it for you; racking, de-gassing, and filtering will all be completed at the appropriate time. When you come back in 4 – 7 weeks (depending on the wine kit you choose) your wine will be ready for bottling. We’ll have everything set up for you and offer a demonstration on cleaning/sterilizing, filling and corking your wine bottles. After that you can dress up your wine, adding colourful shrink caps and generic or custom made labels.

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Address Details:
4 Champlain St PO Box 1522
Phone: (613) 584-2118
Fax: (613) 584-3574
E-mail: valleywines@bellnet.ca
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