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Ottawa Valley Eco Services

OVES specializes in the most advanced 1/2 lb and 2 lb foam insulation technologies.
OVES specializes in the most advanced 1/2 lb and 2 lb foam insulation technologies.

Company Profile

OVES specializes in the most advanced 1/2 lb and 2 lb foam insulation technologies. We have trained and certified employees operating 2 spray foam rigs and a high volume blown fiber rig for cellulose, fiberglass and the Blow in Blanket System. We also have a big vacuum for insul removal if needed, as well as fired proofing options. Provide maximum building envelope perform. Our insul and air sealing prod minimize the entry of outdoor air allergens and pollutants. By forming a continuous air seal, we not only increase energy eff by up to 50%, but also reduces the potential for warm, moist air to cross the build envelope, where it can contact colder surfaces and condense. This condensation can create a breeding ground for mold, mildew and other airborne bacterial, or be the main cause of ice damming. OVES has been serving the insulation needs of the Ottawa Valley since 2005. *Spray foam Insul *BiBs (Blow-in-blanket Insul)*Igloo Cellulose Insul *Insul Extractions *Infrared Diagnostic

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Address Details:
1200 Pembroke St E
Phone: 613-629-2155
Fax: 613-629-2156
E-mail: ottawavalleyeco@nrtco.net
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