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Hec Clouthier & Sons Ltd.

One of the longest running family ran logging business in the Ottawa Valley.
One of the longest running family ran logging business in the Ottawa Valley.

Company Profile

One of the longest running family ran logging business in the Ottawa Valley. For over 55 years, Hec Clouthier & Sons Inc have been a driving force in the logging industry. Thomas Clouthier and Willis Clouthier, along with their sons Shannon and Clyde, continue to provide excellent management and supervision for harvesting and reforestation of our forests in the Ottawa Valley and Nipissing Districts.

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Customer Service
Will Revisit

Message Us

Address Details:
245 Golf Course Road
Phone: (613) 732-7487
Fax: (613) 732-1517
E-mail: hecclou@nrtco.net
Opening Hours:

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