Grail Springs is a transformation retreat for renewing body, mind, heart and Spirit. Located in a unique healing environment with a spring-fed lake, crystal outcrop, meditation gardens, horses and hundreds of acres of forested trails… The retreat lies in one of the most magnetically-charged, enchanted regions of the world, rich in deposits of magnetite, marble, granite, sodalite and quartz crystal. These gems and minerals sit directly under the property making this a most potent healing environment.’Chalice Lake’, inspired by the legends of restoration when one seeks and finds the Holy Grail, is fed by hundreds of vigorous springs bubbling up from the magnetically-charged rock bed. This continuous stream of ‘holy’ water brings life and vitality to Grail Springs, utilized in our cooking, drinking, therapies and bath waters. Guests benefit from one of the few remaining resources of pure, vital and alkaline based waters in the world.